Mathematics Club provides our schoolmates with a mathematics homework mentoring service.

Date: 8th Nov 24 (Today)
Time: 4 pm to 5 pm
Venue: Rm.105
Quota: 10 - 15 students
Students who are interested in above-mentioned service, please come today. The quota is limited on a first-come, first-served basis. Remember to bring your question paper or exercise sheets and the stationery.

數學學會於今天上述時間和地點為同學提供問數服務, 有興趣同學請於上述時間到來, 帶同你的數學問題和文具.

Students who have participated in the Saturday programme (中一成長多元素), please return to school on time in tidy school uniforms.

Date : 9Nov (coming Saturday)
Time : 2pm
Venue : classroom
