Date: 2017-07-12 to 2017-07-25
Destination: Australia Gold Coast
Participants: Hebron school students
In the summer of 2017, 30 students and 3 teachers from our school went to Gold Coast Australia and spent two memorable weeks there with local host families and students from various countries. During the trip, students had the opportunity to enjoy a farm stay doing various activities such as horse riding, milking the cow and camp fire cooking. Integreated into different groups composed of students with muliple nationalities, students learnt and practised their English in an authentic manner. On behalf of our school, our group also took the opportunity to have a cultural exchange with a local school, Miami High School, as well as paying a visit to a famous local univerisity, University of Queensland. It has been a very successful trip and more oversea study tours are to be held in the coming years.
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